Slow down to move faster.
Patterns of thinking = mindset = qualities of actions and results.
How do I see that?
"now here" or "nowhere"
Interpretation, focus, can be altered.
EP = Exceptional Performance
K = Knowledge
S = Skills
P = Planning
M = Mindset
EP = (K + S + P) x M
Where M is 80% of result
Moving towards Peak(er) Performance:
Look at stance - draw myself up. Take a wide stance.
Take a deeper breath - makes me more resourceful.
Look at my Beliefs:
- Which ones drive me forward?
- Which ones hold me back?
Mastering Motivation
Using my posture. Breathe in and roll shoulders. Wonder Woman - clenched fists on hips. Take a standing big X pose.
Zoom out of daily tasks to whole life - look at it like parts of an orchestra.
Look at my ribbon of life - cut off what gone - cut off a third for sleep - cut off another quarter for eating, driving and waiting - not a lot left, is there.
Look at a "Balanced Life Wheel" - 2 years ago - now - in 2 years time.
Take each part of my balanced wheel and throw each one out, like a plane trying to gain altitude. Keep going until only two left.
Focus on those two. Look at outcome desired. Take MASSIVE action - then fine tune based on efforts.
Take the "aircraft" approach - check progress to destination and adjust course.
Children are great at "dance" approach - they keep having a go and adjusting.
Keep a "Win-Learn-Change" Journal.
Move from a "Blame" mindset to an "Aim" mindset.
Jump across "Excuse Valley" - what can I CHOOSE to take 100% responsibility for?
Anything that gets in the way of my desired goal can be an excuse.
I can choose to take MY response-ability for all that occurs.
I can CHOOSE TO participate in the creation of my own destiny.
Success leaves indicators.
I can CHOOSE TO set inspiring goals - seeking great clarity - working to improve the likelihood of success.