Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Peak(er) Performance Mindset


Slow down to move faster.

Patterns of thinking = mindset = qualities of actions and results.


How do I see that?

"now here" or "nowhere"

Interpretation, focus, can be altered.

EP = Exceptional Performance
K = Knowledge
S = Skills
P = Planning
M = Mindset

EP = (K + S + P) x M

Where M is 80% of result

Moving towards Peak(er) Performance:

Look at stance - draw myself up. Take a wide stance.

Take a deeper breath - makes me more resourceful.

Look at my Beliefs:
- Which ones drive me forward?
- Which ones hold me back?

Mastering Motivation

Using my posture. Breathe in and roll shoulders. Wonder Woman - clenched fists on hips. Take a standing big X pose.

Zoom out of daily tasks to whole life - look at it like parts of an orchestra.

Look at my ribbon of life - cut off what gone - cut off a third for sleep - cut off another quarter for eating, driving and waiting - not a lot left, is there.

Look at a "Balanced Life Wheel" - 2 years ago - now - in 2 years time.

Take each part of my balanced wheel and throw each one out, like a plane trying to gain altitude. Keep going until only two left.

Focus on those two. Look at outcome desired. Take MASSIVE action - then fine tune based on efforts.

Take the "aircraft" approach - check progress to destination and adjust course.

Children are great at "dance" approach - they keep having a go and adjusting.

Keep a "Win-Learn-Change" Journal.

Move from a "Blame" mindset to an "Aim" mindset.

Jump across "Excuse Valley" - what can I CHOOSE to take 100% responsibility for?

Anything that gets in the way of my desired goal can be an excuse.

I can choose to take MY response-ability for all that occurs.

I can CHOOSE TO participate in the creation of my own destiny.

Success leaves indicators.

I can CHOOSE TO set inspiring goals - seeking great clarity - working to improve the likelihood of success.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Zig's Affirmation - in front of mirror

I, _________________ am an honest, intelligent, organised, responsible, committed, loyal, sober, teachable person.

I clearly understand that regardless of who signs my pay-cheque, I am self-employed.

I am an optimistic, punctual, enthusiastic, goal-setting, smart-working, self-starter, who is disciplined, focused, dependable, persistent, and a positive thinker.

I am an energetic team-player who appreciates the opportunity that my employment and the free-enterprise system offers me.

I am thrifty with my employment resources and apply common-sense to my daily tasks.

I take honest pride in my competence and appearance and am motivated to be and to do my best to enable those parts of my sense of Self to be helpfully expressed.

These are the some of the qualities which enable me to more effectively manage myself and help me express myself more meaningfully in my interactions with my world.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

I'm at the top - Zig Ziglar

I _____________________ am at the top because I see failure as an event, rather than it saying anything about my SELF.

I am at the top because I know yesterday ended last night - today is my brand new day.

I am at the top because I have made friends with my past, am focused on my present, and am optimistic about my future.

I am at the top because I know that a success, a win, doesn't make me - that a failure, a loss, doesn't break me.

I am at the top because I am filled with faith, hope and love - I live without anger, greed, guilt, envy, or thoughts of revenge.

I _______________ am at the top because I'm mature enough to delay gratification.

I am at the top because I have moved my focus from my rights to my responsibilities.

I am at the top because I know that not standing for what is ethically right, is the prelude of being the victim of what is criminally wrong.

I am at the top because I am secure in who I am, am at peace with others and know what I stand for.

I am at the top because I have respect for my adversaries and give love, respect and kindness to those around me.

I _______________ am at the top because I understand that others can give me pleasure, but genuine happiness is mine because I do things for others.

I am at the top because I am pleasant to the grouch, courteous to the rude, and generous to the needy.

I _______________ am at the top because I love the unlovable, give hope to the hopeless, give friendship to the friendless, and encouragement to the discouraged.

I am at the top because I look back with forgiveness, forward in hope, downward in compassion, and all around with gratitude.

I am at the top because I appreciate that I am great amongst people, by being the servant to all.

I am at the top because I recognize, accept, confess, develop, and use, my physical, mental and emotional capabilities to the glory of, and to the benefit of humankind and all living things.

I _______________ am at the top, and moving OVER the top, because all these things are true in my life.

I am at the top, and moving OVER the top because I am pointed solidly in the direction of my true SELF - and I work to make these things even more true today and each day.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Quotes as positive affirmations

My many strokes overthrow the tallest oaks

When I feel that life is passing me by, I jump on!

As a wise person, I make more opportunities than I find

My desire creates my power

I can’t lose them all

My money talks – the secret is for me to hold onto it long enough to hear what it has to say

My wishbone still needs my backbone to make things true

As I make my good habits, they make me

My mistakes are my stepping stones in my successful life journey

What I SAY is what I get

When I believe I can, I can

As a person willing to have a go, I am a person who is free

I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

I have the courage to change the things I can.

I have the wisdom to work out the difference.

By now it is obvious: there is no security in working for an organisation anymore.
The only place to find real security is within myself and in my ability to anticipate and respond to a change in my organisation, my profession, my region and my industry. – Waitley/Tucker

Monday, 8 December 2014

The 15 Timeless Secrets of Happy People

How we achieve happiness can be different for each one of us. Our passions, expectations, life experiences, and even our personalities all contribute to the level of happiness we experience in our lives. Some people find happiness in their careers while others prefer the bliss found in their marriages or other intimate relationships.

No matter how you define happiness for yourself, there are certain universal and time-proven strategies to bring, and sustain, more happiness into your life. These 15 timeless secrets of happy people can be adapted and even customized to fit your needs. Over time, these strategies will become positive and life-changing habits that will begin to bring more happiness, joy and peace into your life.

1. Notice What's Right
Some of us see the glass as being half-full while others see the glass as half-empty. The next time you are caught in traffic, begin thinking how nice it is to have a few moments to reflect on the day, focus on a problem you have been trying to solve, or brainstorm on your next big idea. The next time you get in the slow line at the grocery store, take the opportunity to pick up a tabloid magazine and do some "guilty pleasure" reading. Take all that life throws out you and reframe it with what's right about the situation. At the end of the day, you will be more content, at peace and be happy. Take the time to begin to notice what's right and see the world change.

2. Show Gratitude
How many times do you say the words "thank you" in a day? How many times do you hear these same words? If you are doing the first thing, saying the "thank you" the latter will naturally happen. Learn to be grateful and you will be open to receive an abundance of joy and happiness.

3. Remember the Kid You Were
Do you remember how to play? I'm not referring to playing a round of golf or a set of tennis. I'm talking about playing like you did when you were a child - a game of tag, leap frog, or street baseball when the bat is a broken broom handle and the bases are the parked cars. One way to find or maintain your happiness is to become the kid again and play!

4. Be Kind
There is no question that merely watching acts of kindness creates a significant elevation in our moods and increases the desire for us to perform good deeds as well. Kindness is indeed contagious and when we make a commitment to be kind to ourselves and to others we can experience new heights of joy, happiness and enthusiasm for our lives.

5. Spend Time with Your Friends
Although an abundant social and romantic life does not itself guarantee joy, it does have a huge impact on our happiness. Learn to spend time with your friends and make the friendships a priority in your life.

6. Savor Every Moment
To be in the moment is to live in the moment. Too often we are thinking ahead or looking ahead to the next event or circumstance in our lives, not appreciating the "here and now."
When we savor every moment, we are savoring the happiness in our lives.

7. Rest
There are times when we need the time to unwind, decompress, or to put it simply, just "to chill." Life comes at all of us hard and fast. Time, as do the days on the calendar, keeps going forward at its own natural pace, which is not always the pace we would choose. Fatigue, stress and exhaustion may begin to settle in on us faster than we may think, or notice. The best remedy for this is indeed rest.

8. Move!
The expression a "runner's high" does not infer an addiction, but a feeling or a state of mind - a state of euphoria. There is no question exercise, or any physical exertion, elevates your mood and enhances a more positive attitude as well as fosters better personal self-esteem and confidence. Indeed, one way to increase your happiness is to move!

9. Put on a Happy Face
Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I'm not suggesting that we not be honest, real or authentic, but I'm suggesting, sometimes, we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward. Researchers claim that smiling and looking like we are happy will indeed make us happier. Studies further show that if we act like we are happy then we can experience greater joy and happiness in our lives.

10. Pursue Your Goals
The absence of goals in our lives, or more specifically avoiding to pursue our goals, makes us feel like we are stuck and ineffective. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives, in our relationships, or with our careers, is the difference between having a mediocre life or a life full of passion and enthusiasm. Pursue your goals and watch your happiness soar.

11. Find Your Calling
Some find meaning in religion or spirituality while others find purpose in their work or relationships. Finding your calling may be much more than accomplishing one simple strategy for increasing your happiness, but having a sense of purpose - of feeling like you are here for a reason - can perhaps bring the greatest joy of all.

12. Get into The Flow - into The Zone
Flow is the form of joy, excitement and happiness that occurs when we are so absorbed in an activity we love that we can lose ourselves and time seems to stand still. What creates flow is unique to each one of us. To find and sustain true happiness in our lives, we must get off the sidelines and get into the flow.

13. Play to Your Strengths
One way to achieve flow is by understanding and identifying our strengths and core values, and then begin to use these every day. Once we aware of our strengths and we begin to play to our strengths, we can better incorporate them in all aspects of our lives.

14. Keep Perspective
Know when to say "when." What gives you joy and happiness the first time may not work the second time. Too much of a good thing may begin not to feel as good if the "thing" becomes more of a routine, or an expectation. Set healthy and reasonable boundaries for yourself and keep it manageable.

15. Appreciate What You Have
Want exactly what you have - know that what you have, can be lost in the blink of an eye.
Hold on to it, treasure it, and let it cover you with love, comfort and happiness.

Written on 10/02/2010 by Alex Blackwell. Alex writes for his incredible readers at "The BridgeMaker", an honestly-written blog about faith, inspiration and personal change.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

A Price to be Paid - Edgar A Guest

I'd like to tell all people
And I wish I knew the way
That for all the future offers
There is a price for me to pay

For who would be a Doctor
And soothe and save the ill
Must earn with years of study
The wisdom and the skill

It matters not the station
Or profession or the trade
Success has certain charges
Which must at least be paid

One is patient study
With which I knowledge buy
Another, after failure
Is the pluck again to try

It's this I'd tell all people
Whatever I wish to be
I might be in the future
If I will pay the fee

For it's only by devotion
And courage respect is earned
And long and patient effort
That wisdom can be learned

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Accomplishment - Success - Greatness



The Seeds of Greatness