Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Quotes as positive affirmations

My many strokes overthrow the tallest oaks

When I feel that life is passing me by, I jump on!

As a wise person, I make more opportunities than I find

My desire creates my power

I can’t lose them all

My money talks – the secret is for me to hold onto it long enough to hear what it has to say

My wishbone still needs my backbone to make things true

As I make my good habits, they make me

My mistakes are my stepping stones in my successful life journey

What I SAY is what I get

When I believe I can, I can

As a person willing to have a go, I am a person who is free

I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

I have the courage to change the things I can.

I have the wisdom to work out the difference.

By now it is obvious: there is no security in working for an organisation anymore.
The only place to find real security is within myself and in my ability to anticipate and respond to a change in my organisation, my profession, my region and my industry. – Waitley/Tucker

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