Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Internally Driven

The focus of success is on being INTERNALLY DRIVEN - rather than externally directed.
Internally driven means that the stimulus is irrelevant - it is the principles and values that drive a person.

By Bob Perks
Sometime back I spoke to a group and I showed them pictures of some very famous people.

They included Thomas Edison, Cher, Walt Disney, Richard Branson, Jay Leno, Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Turner and my hero Winston Churchill.

Then I asked the audience what they all had in common. Can you guess?

They were all dyslexic!

I pointed out that the role that made each of them famous also required a lot of reading. Do you know how hard it is for a dyslexic person to read?

But not a single one of those great people that I cited let dyslexia keep them from being all they were created to be.

That's why one of my most favourite quotes is,

"It's not what you are that holds you back; it’s what you think you are not."
"There is no failure. Only feedback." ~ Unknown

The extent to which I BELIEVE this and implement it determines my life's path.

My Principles, Values and Goals determine my present.

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